Normal Skin Type
This type of skin has a clear, fine textured, supple and smooth surface which is neither greasy nor dry. It glows with an inner health which stems from good blood circulation and excellent health. The only care it requires is cleaning it twice a day with a mild baby soap and water.
At night, to keep your skin's normal moisture balance apply a thin film of homemade moisturizer. Any time your skin becomes slightly oily or slightly dry in any area correct these tendencies by following the advice given elsewhere regarding these types of skin.
Dry Skin Type
Dry skin has a parched look caused by its inability to retain moisture. A dry skin is a fine-textured skin and is prone to wrinkles and chapping. It is often a greater problem in cold weather than in warm weather. Use a mild soap for cleansing the skin; follow a bath or a shower with a mild application of baby oil. Massage your face with homemade nourishing cream every night before retiring. Be generous with the cream in the areas surrounding the eyes where tiny lines and crows feet are born. Avoid coming in contact with highly alkaline soaps and detergents like washing sodas and powders which contain highly alkaline and drying ingredients. Every morning 15 minutes before taking your bath, mix with the egg yolk one teaspoon each of orange juice, olive oil and a few drops each of rose water and lime juice. Another beauty mask is made up of one egg mixed into one teaspoon of honey, half teaspoon of olive oil and a few drops of rose water.If you can afford it once a week take a milk bath. It will not only nourish and smoothen your skin but at the same time it will also soothe your tense nerves and refresh you. War your bath water and put in 250 gram of powdered milk, half tablespoon of almond oil and a few drops of your favorite perfume. Then just lie in it and let your mind favorite perfume. Then just lie in it and let your mind wander while the wholesome foam works wonder on your dry skin. If your lips chap, peel or crack then best remedy is to massage them with a little cream of milk to which a few drops each of rose water and lime juice has been added every night before going to bed.
Before applying lipstick, use a soft piece of towelling material for removing rough bits of chapped skin and rub a piece of raw beetroot gently on them. After applying lipstick add a little vaseline to keep your lips soft and pretty.
Oily Skin Type
Often a chronically oily skin has coarse pores and pimples and other embarrassing blemishes. If you have an excessively oily skin, take a diet rich in proteins but restricted in sugar, fluids and salt. Also take plenty of leafy green vegetables and fresh fruits. Pork and fried and highly seasoned foods should be avoided. Have your blood brought up to par by the suitable administration of necessary vitamins, iron and similar substances. Besides taking internal care of yourself you should also take equal care of yourself externally. Half an hour before taking your bath apply on your face half teaspoon each of time and cucumber juice mixed together. If it is excessively oily, mix in a few drops of eau de Cologne.
This not only helps keep oiliness away but also helps in refining the pores of the skin by acting as astringent, thereby preventing acne. You must have experienced the problem of your makeup becoming patchy either on the forehead, chin or nose due to excessive oiliness in these areas. To avoid this, apply a little cucumber juice on the excessively oily parts of our face, dry thoroughly and then apply your makeup. But if your whole face turns patchy after makeup is applied on it, then apply equal parts of lime juice and witch-hazel. Dry well before putting on your makeup.
Combination Skin Type
Combination skin is a combination of both oily and dry skin. There is a greasy centre panel consisting of nose, forehead and chin and a dry panel consisting of cheeks, mouth and the areas around the eyes. Treat dry areas with homemade cold or moisturing creams and greasy patches With regular application of homemade astringentsSensitive Skin Type
A sensitive skin is a thin or a fine-textured skin. It reacts, quickly to both heat and cold; therefore, it sunburns and windburns easily. If you have this type of skin Use sunscreen lotions or creams. Wash your face with mild baby soap, rinse thoroughly and pat the skin dry with a soft towel; do not use rough towel. Never use any makeup or perfume without first trying a little of it on the inside of your wrist to see the reaction of your skin to it, for very few items of makeup agree with a sensitive skin. Every night apply homemade moisturizing cream on your face before retiring for the night.
Withered Skin
This type of skin has a very rough texture usually full of wrinkles. It is due mainly to over-exposure to extremes of climate such as too much sun or too much cold. To protect yourself from falling a victim to such a skin always use sunscreen lotions or creams whenever you go outdoors for any length of time. Do not use soap; always clean your face with milk cream; it would be a good idea to dispense with soap completely. Use moisturizing cream at night. In the morning half an hour before taking bath, take an egg white and mix in one tablespoon of honey and one-fourth teaspoon of carrot juice. Remove with cotton-wool soaked in warm water (to which a dash of soda bicarbonate has been added) after half an hour. This will remove roughness and wrinkles from the skin. Add two tablespoons of olive oil to the water in the tub before taking your bath. Use moisture-laden makeup base in all the seasons and a creamy lipstick.
Chapped Skin
Chapped skin has a rough texture which sometimes causes the skin to crack. If the cracks develop on your skin then every day at bedtime take the white of an egg, mix in one ground almond and apply on the face. When the skin feels dry, wash of with water and apply homemade nourishing cream. Also avoid the use of soap completely, because soap dissolves the fats from the skin and takes them away from the surface. Instead clean your skin with gram flour made into a paste with milk cream. Half an hour before you take your bath massage yourself either with warm olive, mustard or coconut oil. After bathing blot yourself dry; do not rub vigorously with a bath towel.
Apply homemade cold cream every night before retiring. It is a good idea either to use cold or nourishing cream every night after crossing the age of 25 if you want to cherish the youthful loveliness of a flawless complexion. Do not wear woollens or other rough clothing next to your skin because these have been known to aggravate itching and scaling. Always wear white cotton clothes next to your skinover these you can wear your woollens. If you have developed scales the best remedy is to take a saline bath. Add six pounds of sodium chloride (table salt or rock salt) to 2'> gallons of warm water in a tub. Soak in this water for about 15 to 20 minutes twice daily. Blot dry, then massage gently either with almond or olive oil. This simple treatment often brings about a great reduction in chapping and scaling" At the same time it gives considerable relief from itching; but this treatment should only be taken if you are in excellent physical health.
Sallow Skin
Sallow skin has a "No color look". It is also lustreless and shows lack of vitality that is mainly due to anemia and lack of vitamins of the 'B' family in your diet. This vitamin, especially vitamin B1 is very good for curing you of paleness because it keeps the skin well nourished and rosy by keeping the blood circulation normal. Also active physical exercise will help you because it quickens the blood circulation. Fresh blood and increased oxygen remove all that might dull or blemish the skin.
The 'Hollywood Slant', which is not an exercise but a position, also helps a great deal in combating this trouble. Lie flat on your bed with your feet elevated 12 feet higher than your head. Start with 10 minutes of elevation and gradually work up to 30 minutes. The Cleansing technique depends on whether your skin is dry, oily or normal. If your skin is not sensitive, give yourself a facial once a week to whip up the circulation.