Showing posts with label Glaiza de Castro. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Glaiza de Castro. Show all posts

The Simple Side of Glaiza De Castro

Glaiza 'Grazilda' De Castro's simple side. At first I thought Grazilda will be a fantaserye set in the medieval era as first shown on TV, but turns out it's not. More of a regular teleserye with added magical powers. How's that?

Not much to say sorry. Just enjoy seeing Glaiza 'Grazilda' photos inside ->

Glaiza de Castro photos

Glaiza De Castro on Mirror

Glaiza de Castro, the star of Grazilda is the new endorser of Mirror. As you can see in the photos, Glaiza de Castro is literally on the mirror, hehe.

2 more Glaiza de Castro photos on Mirror inside ->

Glaiza de Castro photos

Glaiza de Castro mirror

Glaiza de Castro pictures

Glaiza De Castro's Classic-Modern Photos

Glaiza De Castro photos by Paul Ticzon. Classic and modern in one concept.

5 more Glaiza De Castro photos inside ->