Makeup generally falls into three major categories: morning makeup, evening makeup and gala evening makeup. Besides these three types of makeup, different types of skins require different types of makeup. Here we describe the different types of makeup.
Morning makeup - Keep morning makeup as light as possible because the harsh rays of the sun pitilessly point out all the makeup defects which go unnoticed in the mellow light of the evening. Avoid using foundation or face cream of any type, but if you must apply it, do it very sparsely and near an open window and not in a closed room under artificial lights. Lightly apply rouge, put on soft shade of lipstick, puff on some powder, add eyeliner and a thin coating of mascara.
Evening makeup - You can use foundation but use it lightly and blend it well into the skin. Besides, you can include rouge, dashing shade of lipstick, powder, eyeliner, mascara and eye shadow but in a muted tone.
Gala evening makeup - Gala evening makeup or night makeup is a heavier type of makeup. You can use all the makeup tricks without looking out of place or you can even add a touch of glamour to your appearance by sprinkling silver dust on your hair and applying silver eye shadow to your eyelashes.
Now comes the makeup for various types of skins.
Dry skin - Select moisture laden foundation cream and a creamy type of rouge and shimmering lipstick and lip gloss to go with it. Use creamy eye shadow and liquid eyeliner.
Greasy skin - Buy an astringent lotion and put it on before makeup to cut down oily skin shine. Use a greaseless medicated foundation that gives an even matt finish to your skin. Puff the powder on in a blotting motion using a fresh piece of cotton each time.
Sallow skin - Use a moisture laden foundation in a warmer tone than your complexion. plexion. Follow with a compressed rouge colored powder to give a fresh glow to your face and use warm shades of lipstick and eye shadow.
Pimply skin - For a pimply skin avoid using face creams and all types of skin foods, lubricants and face creams. Use only medicated antiseptic foundation and face powder which help to heal as well as flatter the complexion. However, more emphasis should be put on the use of lipstick and eye makeup in order to draw attention to your eyes and mouth so that your pimpled skin is less noticeable.
Makeup when you are sick - You have probably noticed that your skin has a tendency to be blotchy whenever you suffer from cold or any other sickness. Over a film of foundation cream dust on pure white talcum powder. This will impart on all over radiance to your skin. Apply creamy rouge and a vibrant shade of lipstick because this will add color to your face and give you a heal their look.